Don’t Get Lost

Liturgical colour: White: C(I)

Have you ever stopped and asked someone for directions and then regretted it because you become more confused than before?


Finding our way around unknown territory is never easy and while some prefer maps and others sat navs it does make a huge difference if we have a sure guide or clear sign post.

The story of the Wise Men is full of ideas about finding the way to Christ.


They see the star rising in the East and so travel to the Land of Israel in search of the infant King of the Jews.


We assume they lost sight of it when they arrived at Jerusalem and so asked for directions.

If you look closely at Saint Matthew’s account it doesn’t say that. We are told that they sought advice. It is as if they need more information than the star can provide.

The Wise Men are interviewed by King Herod and after consulting the prophecies they are sent on to Bethlehem.


At this point the star is mentioned again and leads them to the infant Jesus.


Two things help the Wise Men find their way to Jesus: the star and the ancient prophecies.

The prophecies provide information about where the Christ was to be born.


Down through the centuries God gave the people clues and advice about the direction of the journey through life.


Down through the years of our lives he does the same for each of us.


The fact that Herod is the one who shares the information reminds us how we can twist things and pursue what we want rather than God’s way.

The Collect for Epiphany gives some insight.


It may have been written by Pope Gregory the Great, and it speaks of Christ being revealed to the nations by the guidance of the star.


It contrasts this with the idea of what leads us – faith, which makes it possible for us to come to know God.

O God, who on this day

revealed your Only Begotten Son to the nations

by the guidance of a star,

grant in your mercy, that we, who know you already by faith,

may be brought to behold the beauty of your sublime glory.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

God, for ever and ever.

ICEL © 2011

Just as the Wise Men are at times unable to find their way with the star we recognise that our faith may waver. But the story of the star proving to be important at the crucial moment is there to tell us to hold on. It reassures us that eventually with God’s help we will come to the glory of heaven.