Just saying hello

Fourth Sunday of Advent - Year C

'She entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth’.


What did Mary say as she entered her kinswoman’s house?


St Luke only tells us that as Elizabeth heard her voice in greeting the child in her womb leapt for joy.


It may have been that common word of greeting ‘Shalom’ – ‘Peace’ a word which we see to be full of meaning as she enters the house bearing within her the Prince of Peace.

Perhaps it was something similar to the words said by Gabriel to Mary herself, ‘The Lord be with you’.


This is another familiar Jewish greeting which we have preserved in the Mass down to this day.


It has the sense of a prayer or invitation that God will be with someone – this will happen in a unique way when Mary conceives Jesus.


It also carries the meaning of stating a fact – the Lord is with you.


We are very aware that as Mary goes into Elizabeth’s house she brings with her the Lord, hidden in her womb. Such words, if said by Mary, would take on a special meaning.

Did Mary just call out the name ‘Elizabeth’? This can make us think of how we call out the names of others – especially those we know well. We say the names of those we love in a special way.


‘They were calling me’ can have a fairly simple meaning that some people were trying to catch my attention. On the other hand is can be negative; in this sense ‘to call’ someone is to say something unpleasant.


A story about a simple greeting that had such a tremendous effect can make us think about how we greet others and how we call them. My first words to someone can be very important and influence how the rest of the conversation goes.


These coming days are times to hope for peace on earth, to recognise that God is with us, and that each of us is called by name to share in the gift of love.


Mary’s call to Elizabeth was a sacred moment in which it is suddenly clear that God is present. The way I begin to speak to others can have a powerful effect. The way I speak about others shows how aware I am that God is here.