Church Choir singing in local pubs in December to raise money

By Pauline Hewitt

For several years in the 1980s the church choir went round the local pubs in December singing carols and collecting for charity - I think the money was usually sent to our twin parish, St. Rose of Lima which was in a shanty town in Peru. Sometimes we gathered in the Medway and had a drink and nibbles before we set off and I got into the habit of writing a poem to recite/sing before we left. The following is one of them. NB Stuart is my son - he had Down's Syndrome and died in 1995, aged 20.

It's now nine years since first I came to be your organist.

It's been a great experience I never would have missed.

I must confess there have been times when I've played things all wrong

But you've covered up quite beautifully and got me back 'on song'. 

Sopranos, altos, tenors, basses, I think you're all fine.

It doesn't matter what you sing, I just love every line.

Latin Masses, trad and folk hymns, it amazes me, 

There's so much talent going free at Holy Rosary.

Weddings, funerals, Jubilees, we must have done the lot.

When music is requested we are always on the spot, 

And, what is more, its common knowledge we are up for hire.

For we're quite well known locally as 'Wingy's Rent a choir'.

And now I'd like to give a mention to my favourite lad, 

I know there are occasions when our Stu's behaviour's bad.

He tears up music, bites poor Sheila, yells like a banshee, 

But that he really likes you all is very plain to see.

Before I go, a word of thanks from me to dear old Mart, 

Though there are times when his bad memory lands me in the cart.

I wouldn't be without him for he's taught me all I know, 

And I'm sure that statement is correct because he's told me so.

And now that you have heard my voice, I know that you'll insist

That I can't join the altos but must stay as organist.

One final word I want to say, and it's from Stu and me -

A merry Christmas to the choir of Holy Rosary.

By Pauline Hewitt