Children's Liturgy of the Word of God

At the 5.30 pm Mass at St. John's Church and 10.00 am Mass in Holy Rosary Church we celebrate the Liturgy of the Word of God with children of primary school age. This is a valuable time for prayer and simple instruction where children will benefit from having their own Liturgy of the Word.

Children gather with their families in church for the introductory rites of the Mass. After the opening hymn and prayer the children along with their leaders are called forward. A book of the scriptures is presented to a child and then we all process to the nearby parish hall. When the children have settled the leader introduces the Gospel of the day and then this is explored through reflection, discussion and other appropriate activity. We then all return to the main body of the church, bringing along a poster or text for the congregation to see. Afterwards we join our families for the liturgy of the Eucharist.

Children's Liturgy is not an exclusion from the church - it is an extension as our children play a very important part within our parish. We hope to help the children grow spiritually and therefore prepare them to take a full part in the Sunday Mass. Come along and see!!!

The strength of the group depends also on the input of adult volunteers. If you wish to become involved with the group please, please do not hesitate to come forward. New faces and new ideas are always welcome and needed! If you are interested in helping, please contact Fr Adrian who will put you in touch with the team.Â