Parish finance

The finance committee has the responsibility of maintaining and reporting the parish financial position and it meets at least four times a year. The bank account is reconciled monthly, records are kept of all payments & receipts and Diocesan returns are made every twelve months. At the close of each financial year a comprehensive report is produced for the diocese and signed by all committee members.

Also, periodically the accounts are examined by external auditors. 

The committee also have the responsibility of ensuring that buildings and grounds are kept in good order, the maintenance of all the parish property is completed and that health & safety procedures are always correctly followed. 

Contributions towards Parish funds can be made by standing order / bank transfer or by cash / cheque. Information and a collection box can be found in each Church. 

Gift Aid; By signing a Gift Aid Declaration we can reclaim 25p for every £1 you donate to the parish. You don’t have to be paying a lot of tax to join the Gift Aid Scheme – only sufficient to cover the basic rate of tax the parish will reclaim. 

Contact:  Caroline Kelly  07899788760