Sunday 1 December 2024
First Sunday of Advent - Year C
On your marks!
At this time of year most children can’t wait. The excitement shines out of them as they count down the days. For grown-ups Advent is a time of hurry trying to get organised – one moment there seems to be plenty of time then suddenly everything is on top of us.
The Church has a sense of hurry at this time as well - but not to get the decorations up or get to the shops. The Collect for the First Sunday speaks of this; it ask that we may have the resolve to run forth to meet your Christ.
Running is not an idea we associate with meeting Jesus. But then, to be honest, how much of a hurry are we really in to meet God? We think of that encounter in connection with death, which is quite correct; we shall meet him when we die. But it is possible to meet Jesus today. It is like spotting someone in a crowd. But a sea of faces may drown or, at least, dampen my enthusiasm. We have a saying ‘more haste less speed’ which reminds us that to make progress we need to be patient and take things carefully. The Romans had a saying which said something similar and added other layers of meaning. They said ‘festina lente’ which means ‘hurry slowly’.
In a strange way the quicker I want to find Jesus the slower I must go. Advent is a time for running in slow-motion. There is to be all the exertion and energy put into running but it needs to be controlled and focussed upon slowing down to give myself the chance of spotting him.
I will meet Jesus in the most unexpected places, in the street or at the bus stop or at home or in work. His presence will be in the form of a word said, a situation to deal with, a moment of need or help.
The Collect speaks of our running forth
with righteous deeds.
I shall find Jesus more quickly if my life has space for generous patience and a kindness that is open to those who step in and out of my life.
If you’re looking forward to the future be optimistic you will meet Jesus around the next corner. If you’re wary or weary of what is to come remember that he is always gentle and on our side. Either way, this Advent: hurry slowly.
Collect for the First Sunday of Advent
Grant your faithful, we pray, almighty God,
the resolve to run forth to meet your Christ
with righteous deeds at his coming,
so that, gathered at his right hand,
they may be worthy to possess the heavenly kingdom.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.